ios - change color of custom uibarbuttonitem (iOS7) -

i have 5 uibarbuttonitems , change color of 2. how can in xcode 5?

thanks lot answering!

what have add code in appdelegate.m ?

[[uinavigationbar appearance] setbartintcolor:uicolorfromrgb (0x34aadc)];  [[uiapplication sharedapplication] setstatusbarstyle: uistatusbarstylelightcontent];  [[uinavigationbar appearance] settitletextattributes:@{nsforegroundcolorattributename : [uicolor whitecolor]}];  [[uibarbuttonitem appearance] settintcolor:[uicolor whitecolor]];  [[uinavigationbar appearance] settintcolor:[uicolor whitecolor]];  [[uitoolbar appearance] setbartintcolor:uicolorfromrgb (0x34aadc)]; 

there method follows:

[[uibarbuttonitem appearancewhencontainedin:[<the class in want set custom color> class], nil] settintcolor:<mycolor>]; 


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