c++ - Function pointer in Template -
in old code seeing function pointer used in template:
typedef int (*get_max)(); template<get_max func> get_max func() { return func; }
as new template, lost , trying google more same theories how possible. link of book described? in advance
global functions have known addresses of known sizes, can used in compile-time expression, e.g. template parameters. on standard x86 platforms address has 32 bits, on x64 - 64 bits (that's why storing shouldn't use int
, has 32 bits on both platforms, rather intptr_t
so code doing returning pointer function func
function has been specialised for. internally, returns address of passed function. may have confused function names decay function pointers (i.e. don't have use &
function's address)
you can create template parameter being address of global non-static variable, if in these kind of things. helps understand what's going on in original example.
#include <iostream> #include <string> template<int* p> int* useless_proxy() { return p; } int foo = 666; int main() { std::cout << *useless_proxy<&foo>() << std::endl; // prints 666 };
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