extjs - Sencha Touch. NestedList move, insert, remove items -

my question how move, insert , remove items in nestedlist have nestedlist this:

// model ext.define('myapp.model.comments', {     extend: 'ext.data.model',     config: {         fields: [             {name: 'text',   type: 'string'}         ]     } });  // nestedlist ext.define('myapp.view.comments', {     requires: [         'ext.data.treestore'     ],      config: {         id: 'comments',         store: {             type: 'tree',             root: {},             model: 'myapp.model.comments',             proxy: {                 type: 'ajax',                 actionmethods: {read: 'post'},                 url: './comments.php',                 timeout: 4000,                 enablepagingparams: false,                 extraparams: {                     action: 'get-comments'                 }             }         },         displayfield: 'text',          detailcard: {             xtype: 'container',             layout: 'vbox',             items: [                 {                     id: 'comment-text-field',                     flex: 1                 }             ]         },          listeners: {             leafitemtap: function(el, list, index, target, record) {                 var detailcard   = el.getdetailcard(),                     text  = record.data.text,                     commentfield = detailcard.query("#comment-text-field");                 var texthtml = '<b>text: </b>' + text;                 if (commentfield) {                     commentfield[0].sethtml(texthtml);                 }             },              destroy: function(el) {                 el.getdetailcard().destroy();             }         }     } });   // './comments.php' response [     {         "text": "new comments",         "children": [             {                 "text": "nestedlist provides miller column interface navigate between",                 "leaf": true             },             {                 "text": "the absolute bottom position of component; must valid css length value",                 "leaf": true             }         ]     },     {         "text": "checked comments",         "children": [             {                 "text": "whether or not component absolutely centered inside container",                 "leaf": true             },             {                 "text": "component absolutely centered inside container",                 "leaf": true             },             {                 "text": "more comments",                 "leaf": true             }         ]     } ] 

it works fine need move, remove , add items in nestedlist. f.e. when open 1 of "new comments" (leaf item opened , leafitemtap fired), opened item should removed "new comments" , inserted "checked comments".

i see 2 ways it:

  1. send request update comments.php response , update store via sencha functionality
  2. send request update comments.php response , reload comments.php each time when items clicked update nestedlist

of course 1st way better, have no idea how @ least 1 of them.

hope me, thsnk's!

well, looks there no convenient way that. here comment on official forum: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?205097-how-to-create-a-nested-list-with-dynamic-loading-of-each-node


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