python - django :: How to style a CheckboxSelectMultiple in a form? -

class formentry(forms.modelform):   class meta:     model = entry     fields = ['name','price','share']     widgets = {       'share':forms.checkboxselectmultiple(),     } 

after passing template:

<ul id="id_share"> <li><label for="id_share_0"><input id="id_share_0" name="share" type="checkbox" value="2"> lily</label></li> <li><label for="id_share_1"><input id="id_share_1" name="share" type="checkbox" value="1"> rabbit</label></li> </ul> 

now want rid of ul , li, also, use bootstrap3's button group style it, this

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">   <label class="btn btn-primary">     <input id="id_share_0" name="share" type="checkbox" value="2"> lily   </label>   <label class="btn btn-primary">     <input id="id_share_1" name="share" type="checkbox" value="1"> rabbit   </label> </div> 

it ideal if can give me general solution, instead of passing specific values, idea write widget, can't figure out how.

i know i'm noob, please help.

as of django 1.6, you can loop:

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">  {% checkbox in myform.shares %}     <label class="btn btn-primary">     {{ checkbox.tag }} {{ checkbox.choice_label }}     </label> {% endfor %} </div> 


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