android - how to get only item details to next activity to edit -

in list of bluetooth devices item names renamed , stored in database.when app starts should check database , if uuids same should display item list names.when click on item , goes next activity , click on settings option edit name of item , comes , first changes name names in listview changed edited name , names same got.

    protected void onlistitemclick(listview l, view v, int position, long id) {     final bluetoothdevice device = mledevicelistadapter.getdevice(position);     if (device == null) return;     log.v("_____________log", "localdevicename : "+mbluetoothadapter.getname()+" localdeviceaddress : "+mbluetoothadapter.getaddress());       log.v("___________log", "localdevicename : "+mbluetoothadapter.getname()+" localdeviceaddress : "+mbluetoothadapter.getaddress());     uuid deviceuuid = new uuid(device.hashcode(), ((long)device.hashcode() << 32)  );     log.v("__________device uuid________","__________________"+deviceuuid);     string deviceuuid = deviceuuid.tostring();     log.v("_______________________","___________________"+deviceuuid);       intent intent = new intent(this, devicecontrolactivity.class);       intent.putextra(devicecontrolactivity.extras_device_name, sname);      intent.putextra(devicecontrolactivity.extras_device_address, device.getaddress());//}      intent.putextra(devicecontrolactivity.extras_device_uuid, deviceuuid);//}          if (mscanning) {         mbluetoothadapter.stoplescan(mlescancallback);         mscanning = false;     }     startactivity(intent); }      public view getview(int i, view view, viewgroup viewgroup) {         viewholder viewholder;         // general listview optimization code.         if (view == null) {             view = minflator.inflate(r.layout.listitem_device, null);             viewholder = new viewholder();             viewholder.deviceaddress = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;             viewholder.devicename = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;             view.settag(viewholder);         } else {             viewholder = (viewholder) view.gettag();         }          bluetoothdevice device = mledevices.get(i);         string devicename = device.getname();         uuid deviceuuid = new uuid(device.hashcode(), ((long)device.hashcode() << 32)  );         log.v("__________device uuid________","__________________"+deviceuuid);         string deviceid = deviceuuid.tostring();         log.v("_______________________","___________________"+deviceid);          if (devicename != null && devicename.length() > 0){    ;         if(db!=null)         {              cursor c=db.getdata();              string selectquery = "select * devicedetails";                 c =;                 while (c != null && c.movetonext())                 {           if (c.movetofirst()) {                 {          if(deviceid.equalsignorecase(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("uuid"))))                     {                           viewholder.devicename.settext(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("devicename"))); sname= c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("devicename"));                     }              else                      {                           mbluetoothadapter.setname("noname");                                 }                  } while (c.movetonext());             }               }         }         db.close();         }         else             viewholder.devicename.settext(r.string.unknown_device);         viewholder.deviceaddress.settext(device.getaddress());          return view;     } } 

*from class calls following class , in added setting option.from above code should item selected name , uuid of device.*in should item details selected.

             mdevicename = intent.getstringextra(extras_device_name);     mdeviceaddress = intent.getstringextra(extras_device_address);     mdeviceuuid=intent.getstringextra(extras_device_uuid);     log.v("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "__________________________________________"+mdeviceuuid);     


    log.v("_______mdevicename______", ""+mdevicename);     log.v("_______device uuid______", ""+mdeviceuuid);              intent intent = new intent(this, editpreview.class);          intent.putextra("dname", mdevicename);             intent.putextra("daddress", mdeviceuuid);             startactivityforresult(intent,0);              return true; 

and following edit class in adds database , when click on edittext giving device name of fistrow not item selected name.and after movig fist activity name in list shows same name.

              protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.edit_layout);     edittext=(edittext)findviewbyid(;      db = new databaseadapter(this);       intent = getintent();          if(i.hasextra("dname"))              val = i.getstringextra("dname");      edittext.settext(val);     if(i.hasextra("daddress"))         pos=i.getstringextra("daddress");;   db.insertdata(pos,val,"off","off");       c = db.getdata();         if (c.movetofirst()) {             {             } while (c.movetonext());         }     db.close();     }      @override     public void onbackpressed(){;         c=db.getdata();          if (c.movetofirst()) {             {                      string strsql = "update devicedetails set devicename ='"+ edittext.gettext().tostring() +"'  uuid = '"+c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("uuid"))+"'" ;           ;                 db.updatedata(pos, edittext.gettext().tostring());                  intent intent=new intent();                 intent.putextra("dname", edittext.gettext().tostring());                 intent.putextra("daddress",pos);                 setresult(result_ok, intent);                 finish();              } while (c.movetonext());         }      db.close();      super.onbackpressed();     }    


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