c++ - How to connect QQuickitem with Qml Object? -
i trying make simple program allow user connect specific websites via clicking image. here code:
#ifndef accounts_h #define accounts_h #include <qobject> #include <qurl> #include <qdesktopservices> class accounts : public qobject { q_object public: explicit accounts(qobject* parent = 0) : qobject(parent){} public slots: void gmailopen(const qstring &msg) { qurl gmailurl(msg); qdesktopservices::openurl(gmailurl); } }; #endif // accounts_h
#include <qtgui/qguiapplication> #include <qtquick/qquickview> #include <qtqml> #include "accounts.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qguiapplication app(argc, argv); qquickview *view = new qquickview; qobject *gmail = view->rootobject().findchild<qobject*>("gmaillink"); accounts *gmailaccount = new accounts; qobject::connect(gmail, signal(gmailsignal(qstring)),gmailaccount,slot(gmailopen(qstring))); view->setsource(qurl::fromlocalfile("/users/yudelin/documents/mycrazyprojects/managers4manyaccounts/main.qml")); view->show(); return app.exec(); }
import qtquick 2.0 rectangle { width: 360 height: 360 color: "silver" image { id:gmaillink objectname: "gmaillink" width: 102 height: 199 fillmode: image.preserveaspectfit source: "...." //the url long omit it. anchors.centerin: parent signal gmaisignal (string msg) mousearea { anchors.fill: parent onclicked: gmaillink.gmailsignal("http://mail.google.com") } } }
as can see, trying connect qml image c++ object accounts. use qobject *gmail = view->rootobject().findchild<qobject*>("gmaillink");
fetch qml object. not work. guess suit older qt version. how fix problem?
you want gmailopen slot called on clicking on image. there simpler , preferred ways of doing other doing this.
qobject *gmail = view->rootobject().findchild("gmaillink");
as @kunal pointed out, can use
.if want open url using
slot, can call slot directly setting context property.
4, qobject *gmail = view->rootobject().findchild<qobject*>("gmaillink");
... here before setting qml file, trying reference gmaillink
object. not created yet.
following code explains take on problem
5a. accounts.h file
#ifndef accounts_h #define accounts_h #include <qobject> #include <qurl> #include <qdesktopservices> class accounts : public qobject { q_object public: explicit accounts(qobject* parent = 0) : qobject(parent){} public slots: void gmailopen(const qstring &msg) { qurl gmailurl(msg); qdesktopservices::openurl(gmailurl); } }; #endif // accounts_h
5b. main.cpp file
#include <qtgui/qguiapplication> #include <qtquick/qquickview> #include <qtqml> #include "accounts.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qguiapplication app(argc, argv); accounts *gmailaccount = new accounts; qquickview *view = new qquickview; view->engine()->rootcontext()->setcontextproperty("accounts",gmailaccount); view->setsource(qurl::fromlocalfile("qml/so_openexternallink/main.qml")); view->show(); return app.exec(); } 5c. main.qml file
import qtquick 2.1 import qtquick.dialogs 1.0 rectangle { width: 360 height: 360 color: "silver" image { id:gmaillink objectname: "gmaillink" width: 102 height: 199 fillmode: image.preserveaspectfit source: "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/flag_of_india.svg" anchors.centerin: parent mousearea { anchors.fill: parent onclicked:qt.openurlexternally("http://mail.google.com") } } image{ id:secondimage width:102 height:199 fillmode:image.preserveaspectfit source: "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/emblem_of_india.svg" anchors.left:gmaillink.right anchors.top: gmaillink.top mousearea { anchors.fill: parent onclicked:filedialog.visible = true } } filedialog { id: filedialog title: "please choose file" namefilters: [ "image files (*.jpg *.png)", "all files (*)" ] visible:false; selectmultiple:false onaccepted:secondimage.source = filedialog.fileurl } }
5d. need change following above code
i. image source
ii. qml file path in main.cpp
iii. possibly import qtquick 2.0 if don't have qtquick 2.1 yet.
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