c++ - Get output from libexpect -

i trying output produced command entered through libexpect, not skilled @ c style of doing things, , i'm not sure how proceed.

the problem seems while popular program python users, can find few basic examples of using libexpect in c/c++ , none seem mention getting output.

example program:

// g++ t.cpp -lexpect -ltcl -o t #include <iostream> #include <tcl8.5/expect.h>  int main(){     file *echo = exp_popen(const_cast<char *>("telnet google.com 80"));     std::cout << char(fgetc(echo)) << std::endl;      std::cout << std::string(80, '=') << std::endl;     char c;     do{             c = fgetc(echo);             std::cout << "'" << c << "'";     }while(c != eof);      return 0; } 

while partially works, fails first character.

actually, showed link on side right after posted showing correct answer, guess did not hard enough:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <tcl8.5/expect.h> #include <errno.h>  int main() {     char str[512];     file *f = exp_popen("ssh user@mybox ls -lr");     if (f==null)     {         printf("failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno));         return 1;     }     while(fgets(str, sizeof(str)-1, f))     {         printf("%s", str);     }     return 0; } 

(taken how read stdout file* created libexpect in c++ on linux?)


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