android - how to get the bitmap from cusom imageview class? -
i want whole bimap map of custom class... getting null...i try every way don't getting write answer..
bitmap b = mboardtile.getdrawing();
used null value..
i m used view cache like..
bitmap b = null; try { mboardtile.setdrawingcacheenabled(true); mboardtile.measure(measurespec.makemeasurespec(0, measurespec.unspecified), measurespec.makemeasurespec(0, measurespec.unspecified)); mboardtile.layout(0, 0, mboardtile.getmeasuredwidth(), mboardtile.getmeasuredheight()); mboardtile.builddrawingcache(true); b = mboardtile.getdrawingcache(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }`
but again null value..
the custom class below..
public class boardtile extends imageview { context mcontext; int posx, posy; arraylist<datavo> marraylistdta; float width, height, newx, newy; arraylist<datavo> marraylistnew; public boardtile(context context) { super(context); this.mcontext = context; marraylistnew = new arraylist<datavo>(); } @override protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) { (int = 0; < marraylistnew.size(); i++) { datavo mdatavo = marraylistnew.get(i); bitmap moriginalbitmap = mdatavo.getmbitmap(); // scale target size moriginalbitmap = bitmap.createscaledbitmap(moriginalbitmap, mdatavo.getwidth_new(), mdatavo.getheight_new()/2, true); // canvas mcanvas = new canvas(moriginalbitmap); canvas.drawbitmap(moriginalbitmap, 0, 0, null); } } public void getdata(arraylist<datavo> marraylist) { this.marraylistdta = marraylist; (int = 0; < marraylistdta.size(); i++) { newx = 480 * marraylistdta.get(i).getxcordi() / marraylistdta.get(i).getwidth(); newy = 800 * marraylistdta.get(i).getycordi() / marraylistdta.get(i).getheight(); width = newx * marraylistdta.get(i).getwidth() / marraylistdta.get(i).getxcordi(); height = newy * marraylistdta.get(i).getheight() / marraylistdta.get(i).getycordi(); datavo mdatavo = new datavo(); mdatavo.setxcordi_new((int) newx); mdatavo.setycordi_new((int) newy); mdatavo.setwidth_new((int) width); mdatavo.setheight_new((int) height); mdatavo.setmbitmap(marraylistdta.get(i).getmbitmap()); marraylistnew.add(mdatavo); } } }
i got solution getting whole bitmap custom class....
public static bitmap getbitmapfromview(view view) { //define bitmap same size view int fixwidth = 480; int fixheight = 800; int bit_width = 0; int bit_height = 0; bit_width = mimageviewbackgroud.getdrawable().getintrinsicwidth(); bit_height = mimageviewbackgroud.getdrawable().getintrinsicheight(); if (bit_width > fixwidth) { bit_width = fixwidth; } if (bit_height > fixheight) { bit_height = fixheight; } float ratio = math.min((float) 800 / bit_width, (float) 800 / bit_height); int width = math.round((float) ratio * bit_width); int height = math.round((float) ratio * bit_height); bitmap returnedbitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(width, height,bitmap.config.argb_8888); //bind canvas canvas canvas = new canvas(returnedbitmap); //get view's background drawable bgdrawable =view.getbackground(); if (bgdrawable!=null) //has background drawable, draw on canvas bgdrawable.draw(canvas); else //does not have background drawable, draw white background on canvas canvas.drawcolor(color.white); // draw view on canvas view.draw(canvas); //return bitmap return returnedbitmap; }
hope code helps others....
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