ios - Use sizeToFit with lineSpacing -

i have uilabel several lines. text set dynamically, , label height too, native method :

[mylabel sizetofit]; 

i have other method sets line spacing in label :

    nsmutableattributedstring *attributedstring = [[nsmutableattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:@"my long dynamic text"];     nsmutableparagraphstyle *paragraphstyle = [[nsmutableparagraphstyle alloc] init];     [paragraphstyle setlinespacing:5];     [attributedstring addattribute:nsparagraphstyleattributename value:paragraphstyle range:nsmakerange(0, [labeltext length])];   mylabel.attributedtext = attributedstring; 

the problem if set line spacing first, , call sizetofit, new height of label small. doesn't take in count line spacing.

it problem label in uiscrollview , need right height.

for getting size of label dynamically based on text length use method:

/*! returns size of label display text provided     @param text         string displayed     @param width         width required displaying string     @param fontname         font name label     @param fontsize         font size label  */ - (cgsize)getsizefortext:(nsstring *)text maxwidth:(cgfloat)width font:(nsstring *)fontname fontsize:(float)fontsize {     cgsize constraintsize;     constraintsize.height = maxfloat;     constraintsize.width = width;     nsdictionary *attributesdictionary = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjectsandkeys:                                           [uifont fontwithname:fontname size:fontsize], nsfontattributename,                                           nil];      cgrect frame = [text boundingrectwithsize:constraintsize                                       options:nsstringdrawinguseslinefragmentorigin                                    attributes:attributesdictionary                                       context:nil];      cgsize stringsize = frame.size;     return stringsize; } 


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