How Remove backslash from JSON Result -DataSet -

i want remove backslash json result

current result this: "{\"info\":[{\"full_eng_nmae\":\"anda norse\",\"email\":\"keer0@gm

my code this

  public string getdetails(string orderid)         {              ordercontract order = new ordercontract();             dataset dataset = new dataset();             try             {                 sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(configurationmanager.connectionstrings["connectionstring1"].connectionstring);                 con.close();       ;                 sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter("select  full_eng_nmae,email,mobile,client_id students center_id='" + orderid + "'", con);                   da.fill(dataset,"info");                  dataset.acceptchanges();                 string json = jsonconvert.serializeobject(dataset);                 return json;              }             catch (exception ex)             {                 throw new faultexception<string>                         (ex.message);              }           } 

any 1 can me plz? thanks

also full of code

my interface:

[servicecontract]     public interface iorderservice     {         [operationcontract]         [webget(uritemplate = "/getorderdetails/{orderid}",             requestformat = webmessageformat.json,             responseformat = webmessageformat.json)]         string getorderdetails(string orderid);      } 

i bet there no backslash, printing code using adding them.


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