c# - How can i remotely access the windows services of a remote host in workgroup computers? -

i writing application used manipulate windows services. computer in workgroup. couldn't access machine. i've tried impersonation using logonuser(). not working. able manipulate using remote desktop connection, couldn't access programatically.

    impersonateuser impersonateduser = new impersonateuser();     impersonateduser.impersonate(domain, username, password);     servicecontroller sc = new servicecontroller("servicename", host_name);     console.writeline("success.");      //impersonation. public class impersonateuser {     [dllimport("advapi32.dll", setlasterror = true)]     public static extern bool logonuser(     string lpszusername,     string lpszdomain,     string lpszpassword,     int dwlogontype,     int dwlogonprovider,     ref intptr phtoken);     [dllimport("kernel32.dll", charset = charset.auto)]     public extern static bool closehandle(intptr handle);     private static intptr tokenhandle = new intptr(0);     private static windowsimpersonationcontext impersonateduser;     // if incorporate code dll, sure demand     // runs fulltrust.     [permissionsetattribute(securityaction.demand, name = "fulltrust")]     public void impersonate(string domainname, string username, string password)     {         //try         {             // use unmanaged logonuser function user token             // specified user, domain, , password.             const int logon32_provider_default = 0;             // passing parameter causes logonuser create primary token.             const int logon32_logon_interactive = 2;             tokenhandle = intptr.zero;             // ---- step - 1             // call logonuser obtain handle access token.             bool returnvalue = logonuser(             username,             domainname,             password,             logon32_logon_interactive,             logon32_provider_default,             ref tokenhandle); // tokenhandle - new security token             if (false == returnvalue)             {                 int ret = marshal.getlastwin32error();                 throw new system.componentmodel.win32exception(ret);             }             // ---- step - 2             windowsidentity newid = new windowsidentity(tokenhandle);             // ---- step - 3             {                 impersonateduser = newid.impersonate();             }         }     }     // stops impersonation     public void undo()     {         impersonateduser.undo();         // free tokens.         if (tokenhandle != intptr.zero)         {             closehandle(tokenhandle);         }     } }  

i've found cannot impersonate user on workgroup computer. though impersonate, workgrooup computer force user guest. thus, if want login user need change registry value forceguest=0


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