javascript - Full calender - Remove Events on day click and remove Bg-color of particular cell -

i need limit events 1 in particular date, , on click of date if events present, has removed.

while adding event date, color of cell should turned orange, , while deleting event, has turned white.

$(function () {

        // full calendar         var date = new date();         var d = date.getdate();         var m = date.getmonth();         var y = date.getfullyear();          var calendar = $('#calendar').fullcalendar({             header: {                 left: 'prev,next today',                 center: 'title',                 right: 'month,agendaweek,agendaday'             },             selectable: true,             selecthelper: true,             select: function(start, end, allday) {                 var title = prompt('event title:');                 if (title) {                     calendar.fullcalendar('renderevent',                         {                             title: title,                             start: start,                             end: end,                             backgroundcolor: 'orange',                             allday: allday,                                                      },                         true                     );                 }                 calendar.fullcalendar('unselect');             },             eventclick: function(event){                 var r=confirm(\"are sure?\");                 if (r==true)                   {                      $('#calendar').fullcalendar('removeevents',event._id);                   }                                                                       },             dayclick: function(date, allday, jsevent, view) {                     if($( ).hasclass('bg-orange')){                    $(this).removeclass('bg-orange');                }                else                {                 $(this).addclass('bg-orange');                }                                   },                           editable: true,             events: [             ]         });     }); 


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