javascript - AngularJs: Calling contoller method from directive inside another directive -

i have directive inside directive. outer directive shares scope controller, while inner 1 has own. i'd pass reference controller's function inner directive can called there. cannot figure out how pass function , parameters inner directive can call controller's function.

here planker illustrate problem.

if click on "dir 2 click me" alert says parameters have came undefined.

you can pass in outer controller method using '=' , adjust code accordingly...

angular.module('app', [])     .controller('ctrl', function($scope){         $scope.myctrlmethod = function(msg, b) {             alert(msg + ' , b='+b);         };     })     .directive('dir1', [function(){         return {             restrict: 'e',             replace: true,             template: '<div><p ng-click="mydir1method(\'my dir1 method\',\'b\')">dir 1 click me</p><dir2 my-ctrl-method="myctrlmethod"></dir2></div>',             link: function(scope, elem, attrs){                 scope.mydir1method = function(msg,b){                     scope.myctrlmethod(msg, b);                 };             }         };     }])     .directive('dir2', [function(){         return {             restrict: 'e',             scope: {                 myctrlmethod: '='             },             replace: true,             template: '<p ng-click="mydir2method(\'my dir2 method\',\'b\')">dir 2 click me</p>',             link: function(scope, elem, attrs){                 scope.mydir2method = function(msg,b){                     scope.myctrlmethod(msg, b);                 };             }         };     }]); 


edit: '=' evaluates expression in context of parent scope , result bound property on inner scope. in example, 'myctrlmethod' evaluated against parent scope, returns myctrlmethod parent scope (a function). function bound myctrlmethod on inner scope, , can invoked scope.myctrlmethod(msg, b).


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