Recursive sum function in scheme -

i want add consecutive values in stream , return list. like, stream : (1,2,3,4) output: (3,5,7) have code here giving me error car: contract violation expected: pair? given: '()

i have tried using head , tail separately , working fine! whats wrong here ?

(define (sum-primes prime-stream)   (if (empty-stream? prime-stream)   '()   (cons (+ (head prime-stream) (head (tail prime-stream)))         (sum-primes (tail prime-stream))))) 

 (+ (head prime-stream)   (head (tail prime-stream)) 

the tail might '() , in case, (head (tail)) amount (head'())

you need replace nil condition this, cheking tail of tail instead , returning final sum consed '()

something like

(if (empty-stream? (cdr (cdr p))) (+(car p) (car (cdr p))) ... 


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