python - Pythonic way of checking bit values -
i have set of constants declarations
self.poutput = 1 self.ppwm = 2 self.pinput = 4 self.punused = 8 self.psonar = 16 self.pultra = 32 self.pservod = 64 self.pstepper = 128 self.pcount = 256 self.pinputdown = 512 self.pinputnone = 1024
what pythonic way of checking whether value matches of input states (4,512 , 1024) please? info: i'd use bit pattern checking in simpler languages wondered if there better way in python :) each pin can have 1 of i/o states above if pin of of input values 1 action occurs e.g if pin == 4 or 512 or 1024 -> something
testing set membership (which seem doing) best done using set
self.input_states = {self.pinput, self.pinputdown, self.pinputnone} # later if value in self.input_states: do_something()
of course handle in variety of essentially-identical ways, 1 way or have encode knowledge of these magic numbers "input states".
now if, has been suggested, want bit-masking or tests based on whether particular bit set, want take @ python bitwise operators. in particular, see if value equal 1 of ones you've got there, you'd use bitwise and, denoted &
in python. joran's answer covers use well, basic idea is:
if value & self.pinput: # value has 1 in pinput bit (bit 3) do_something()
or if of input values trigger same action:
if any(value & p p in (self.pinput, self.pinputdown, self.pinputnone)): do_something()
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