mvc - Can't get "likes" our of Facebook JSON data using MVC -

i'm trying display # of "likes" of user selected entity has facebook site. url that's passed in entities facebook name:

public int getlikes(string url)     {         string jsonstring = new webclient().downloadstring("" + url);         dictionary<string, dynamic> values = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<dictionary<string, dynamic>>(jsonstring);         int keyvalues = values.count;         int likes = values["likes"];         return likes;      } 

i error "likes" not found in value. it's there. below sample of json data that's returned facebook:

{ "disney": {   "about": "\"it's kind of fun impossible.\" - walt disney",   "category": "company",   "checkins": 26,   "description": "this page place our fans.  however, need have rules.  please aware not accept or consider unsolicited idea submissions and, also, must reserve right remove posting or other material find off-topic, inappropriate or objectionable.",   "founded": "1923",   "is_published": true,   "talking_about_count": 543991,   "username": "disney",   "website": "",   "were_here_count": 0,   "id": "11784025953",   "name": "disney",   "link": "",   "likes": 46622418,   "cover": {      "cover_id": "10152010506970954",      "source": "",      "offset_y": 0,      "offset_x": 0   }   }   } 

i have tried many different things. getting , deserializing json data isn't problem haven't been able find way of elements. appreciated.

first create class mimics json string (object) structure:

public class jsonobject {             public disney = new disney(); }  public class disney {     public string { get; set; }     public string category{get;set;}     public int checkins = {get;set;}     ........      public int likes = {get;set;}      ........     public cover = new cover(); }  public class cover {     public int cover_id { get;set; }     ........ } 

then, initialize object serializer:

jsonobject jsonob = new jsonobject();  javascriptserializer serializer = new javascriptserializer(); 

finally, parse jsonstring defined class:

try {         jsonob = serializer.deserialize<jsonobject>(jsonstring);      //viewbag.jsondecoded = "yes"; } catch (exception e) {     //viewbag.jsondecoded = "no" + ", exception: " + e.message.tostring(); } 

retrieving variables:

string = jsonob.disney.about; string category = jsonob.disney.category; int checkins = jsonob.disney.checkins; int likes    = jsonob.disney.likes; cover cover  = jsonob.disney.cover;     

hope helps.


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