ios - How to block score to not go below zero? -

i'm making word game can't figure out how make 0 final point in basic scoring i've created. user must not exceed minus in or score, lowest score can zero...

- (ibaction)btncheck:(id)sender { nsstring *answer = [_textbox.text stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@" " withstring:@""] if([answer isequaltostring:@""]){ } else   if ([answer isequaltostring:@"q"]) {     // string correct, resign keyboard     _keyboard.hidden = yes;     _textxclear.hidden = yes;     //perfect button     [_closeone sethidden:no];     [_wrongone sethidden:yes];     score = score +100;     [scorelabel settext:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"score: %d", score]];    coins = coins +5;     [coinslabel settext:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d", coins]]; } else {     [_wrongone sethidden:no];     score = score -5 ;     [scorelabel settext:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"score: %d", score]];    closeonechange.text = @"correct!";  } 

oh , if score becomes 0 user must receive 1 coin.

how this?

just use max

score = max(0, score - 5); 


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