javascript - ACE Text Editor displays text characters in place of spaces -

i've written following javascript:

(function () {     var computationmodule = (function foo1(stdlib, foreign, heap) {         "use asm";         var sqrt = stdlib.math.sqrt,             heaparray = new stdlib.int32array(heap),             outr = 0.0,             outi = 0.0;          function computerow(canvaswidth, canvasheight, limit, max, rownumber, minr, maxr, mini, maxi) {             canvaswidth = +canvaswidth;             canvasheight = +canvasheight;             limit = +limit;             max = max | 0;             rownumber = +rownumber;             minr = +minr;             maxr = +maxr;             mini = +mini;             maxi = +maxi;              var columnnumber = 0.0,                 zreal = 0.0,                 zimaginary = 0.0,                 numbertoescape = 0;             var columnnumberint = 0;              // compute imaginary part of numbers correspond pixels in row.             zimaginary = +(((maxi - mini) * +rownumber) / +canvasheight + mini);             // iterate on pixels in row.             // compute number of iterations escape each pixel determine color.             (columnnumber = +0; + columnnumber < +canvaswidth; columnnumber = +(+columnnumber + 1.0)) {                 // compute real part of number pixel.                 zreal = +(((maxr - minr) * +columnnumber) / +canvaswidth + minr);                 numbertoescape = howmanytoescape(zreal, zimaginary, max, limit) | 0;                 columnnumberint = columnnumberint + 1 | 0;                 heaparray[(columnnumberint * 4) >> 2] = numbertoescape | 0;             }         }          // function determine how many iterations point escape.         function howmanytoescape(r, i, max, limit) {             r = +r;             = +i;             max = max | 0;             limit = +limit;              var j = 0,                 ar = 0.0,                 ai = 0.0;             ar = +r;             ai = +i;             (j = 0;                 (j | 0) < (max | 0); j = (j + 1) | 0) {                 iteratingfunction(ar, ai, r, i)                 ar = outr;                 ai = outi;                 if (+(ar * ar + ai * ai) >= +(limit * limit))                     return j | 0;             }             return j | 0;         }          // iterating function defining fractal draw         // r , real , imaginary parts of value previous iteration         // r0 , i0 starting points         function iteratingfunction(r, i, r0, i0) {             r = +r;             = +i;             r0 = +r0;             i0 = +i0;             computepower(r, i, 2);             // set output function t             outr = +(r0 + outr);             outi = +(i0 + outi);         }          // compute result of [r,i] raised power n.         // place resulting real part in outr , imaginary part in outi.         function computepower(r, i, n) {             // tell asm.js r, floating point , n integer.             r = +r;             = +i;             n = n | 0;              // declare , initialize variables numbers.             var rresult = 0.0;             var iresult = 0.0;             var j = 0;             var tr = 0.0;             var ti = 0.0;              // declare , initialize variables used in             // event need compute reciprocal.             var abs = 0.0;             var recr = 0.0;             var reci = 0.0;              if ((n | 0) < (0 | 0)) {                 // n less 0, compute reciprocal , raise opposite power.                 abs = +sqrt(r * r + * i);                 recr = r / abs;                 reci = -i / abs;                 r = recr;                 = reci;                 n = -n | 0;             }              rresult = r;             iresult = i;              (j = 1;                 (j | 0) < (n | 0); j = (j + 1) | 0) {                 tr = rresult * r - iresult * i;                 ti = rresult * + iresult * r;                 rresult = tr;                 iresult = ti;             }              outr = rresult;             outi = iresult;         } // end computepower          return {             computerow: computerow         };     })(self, foreign, heap);      // return computationmodule defined.     return computationmodule; })(); 

there's nothing particularly unusual javascript, except want make web application display javascript in ace text editor ( user can modify code @ runtime.

i load javascript using jquery ajax , set contents of ace editor javascript code. after user modifies code, can click button run code. (this uses eval)

the problem i'm having ace displaying strange characters instead of spaces.ace not working

oddly enough, if try copy text ace editor, strange characters disappear , spaces normal. furthermore, code runs fine these strange characters being displayed.

i noticed problem not appear when using firefox, appears chrome , ie 11.

finally, problem occurs when put code on real web server. doesn't reproduce in development environment.

looking @ more, can see it's not text i'm loading via ajax. when type new spaces, more text characters appear!

what going wrong text doesn't display properly?

here's link application:

use charset="utf-8" in script tag include ace.

<script src="path/to/ace.js" charset="utf-8">

this may have this:

when no explicit charset parameter provided sender, media subtypes of "text" type defined have default charset value of "iso-8859-1" when received via http. data in character sets other "iso-8859-1" or subsets must labeled appropriate charset value. see section 3.4.1 compatibility problems.

so string passed script in encoding different ace (or js in general) expects, utf-8.


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