windows - Batch file giving File Not Found error -
been working on systematic file search script retrieve name of documents in directory, , sub directories contain determined search string. essentially, log search results. nice have search file names, that's not yet important.
@echo off echo - search files in current directory, , subdirectories. echo - ignore case sensitivity. echo - search term within readable documents. set /p searchfilter=search filter: set results=%cd%\results.txt echo searching... echo results: > "%results%" /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`dir /s/b/a:-d/o:e`) ( find /i "%searchfilter%" "%%~nxi" >nul && echo %%~nxi >> "%results%" ) echo search complete. pause
run-down: system requests string user. then, system saves handle results file (thought fix problem, didn't). system filters files, excluding folders, directory, , sub directories, printing bare name of file (with extension), proceed scan each file search string, , save positive search results text file.
it seems on number of files, receive "file not found - " error, , need identifying it. guess, has trying find sub directory file without directory handle.
find /i "%searchfilter%" "%%i" >nul && echo %%~nxi >> "%results%"
should fix problem, you've flagged yourself. if searching file named fred.txt
exists in subdirectory mot in root of subtree scanned, you'll file not found
your choice whether echo name , extension results
or whether echo full filename, of course. personally, i'd use `%%i , whole thing.
i'd change
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`dir /s/b/a:-d/o:e`) (
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /s/b/a:-d/o:e') (
but that's matter of style in case.
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