qt - Set Button imageSource from imageprovider -

i have image provider derived qquickimageprovider implementation of requestpixmap.

this image provider works fine image component.

now want provide imagesource button in same way. no image shows up. can problem?

qml code

image {     anchors.fill: parent     anchors.margins: 10     source: "image://provider/" + model.displayrole     fillmode: image.preserveaspectfit }  button {     layout.fillwidth: true     layout.preferredheight: width     iconsource: "image://provider/" + model.displayrole     onclicked: appcore.switch(model.displayrole) } 

c++ code

qpixmap imageprovider::requestpixmap(const qstring &id, qsize *size, const qsize &requestedsize) {     qmodelindex index;     bool foundid = false;      for(int row = 0; row < m_mymodel->rowcount(); row++)     {         index = m_mymodel->index(row, 0);         qstring name = qvariant(m_mymodel->data(index, qt::displayrole)).tostring();          if(name == id)         {             foundid = true;             break;         }     }      if(!foundid)         return qpixmap();      qicon icon = m_mymodel->data(index, qt::decorationrole).value<qicon>();      qpixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(128,128);      return pixmap;; } 


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