java - Counting levels in Breadth First Search (Distance between start node and goal node) -
can me how count visited levels of graph using breadth first search in java?
here method, have start node (str) , end node (goal), when loop reach goal node should stopped.
what want counting levels start node end node.
public void bfs(string str,string goal) { int strinx = findindex(str); vertexlist[strinx].wasvisited = true; thequeue.insert(strinx); int v2; boolean bre = false; while (!thequeue.isempty()) { system.out.println(vertexlist[thequeue.getfront()].label); int v1 = thequeue.remove(); while ((v2 = getadjunvisitedvertex(v1)) != -1) { vertexlist[v2].wasvisited = true; system.out.println("--v2--->"+vertexlist[v2].label); thequeue.insert(v2); if(goal.equals(vertexlist[v2].label)) { bre=true; break; } } if(bre) break; } (int j = 0; j < nverts; j++) { vertexlist[j].wasvisited = false; } }
you can use 1 of following approaches track current level:
use 2 queues instead of one: currentlevelqueue , nextlevelqueue
use 1 queue track nodes 1 track associated level
use wrapper class includes level field , store instances of class in queue
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