How can I add float parsing capability to a C lexical analyzer? -

i trying add floating point functionality simple lexical analyzer i've written in c, c (among other things). have ideas on how this, incomplete solutions, involving adding if statement parse integer literals, still stop , count period period because of while statement. thought adding or while statement, not entirely sure how specify period only. here code:

    /* front.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> /*global declarations */ /*variables*/ int charclass; char lexeme [100]; char nextchar; int lexlen; int token; int nexttoken; file *in_fp, *fopen();  /*function declarations*/ void addchar(); void getchar(); void getnonblank(); int lex();  /*character classes */ #define letter 0 #define digit 1 #define unknown 99  /*token codes*/ #define int_lit 10 #define float #define ident 11 #define assign_op 20 #define add_op 21 #define sub_op 22 #define mult_op 23 #define div_op 24 #define left_paren 25 #define right_paren 26 #define mod_op 27 #define semicol 28 #define comma 29 #define exclamation_mark 30 #define at_sign 31 #define pound_sign 32 #define dollar_sign 33 #define carat_sign 34 #define ampersand 35 #define period_mark 36 #define lessthan_sign 37 #define greaterthan_sign 38  #define question_mark 39 #define left_squarebracket 40 #define right_squarebracket 41 #define left_curlybracket 42 #define right_curlybracket 43 #define backslash 44 #define verticalbar 45  #define single_quote 46  #define double_quote 47 #define colon 48  #define underscore 49 #define tilde 50 #define grave_accent 51     /*********************/ /*main driver */ main() { /*open input data file , process contents*/     if ((in_fp = fopen("", "r")) == null)         printf("error - cannot open \n");     else     {         getchar();                 {             lex();         } while (nexttoken != eof);     } }  /***************************/ /*lookup - function lookup operators , parentheses         , return token */ int lookup(char ch) {     switch (ch)     {         case '=':             addchar();             nexttoken = assign_op             break;          case '(':             addchar();             nexttoken = left_paren;             break;          case ')':             addchar();             nexttoken = right_paren;             break;          case '+':             addchar();             nexttoken = add_op;             break;          case '-':             addchar();             nexttoken = sub_op;             break;          case '*':             addchar();             nexttoken = mult_op;             break;          case '/':             addchar();             nexttoken = div_op;             break;          case '%':             addchar();             nexttoken = mod_op;             break;          case ';':             addchar();             nexttoken = semicol;             break;          case ':':             addchar();             nexttoken = colon;             break;          case '"':             addchar();             nexttoken = double_quote;             break;          case ',':             addchar();             nexttoken = comma;             break;          case '.':             addchar();             nexttoken = period_mark;             break;          case '!':             addchar();             nexttoken = exclamation_mark;             break;          case '@':             addchar();             nexttoken = at_sign;             break;          case '#':             addchar();             nexttoken = pound_sign;             break;          case '$':             addchar();             nexttoken = dollar_sign;             break;          case '^':             addchar();             nexttoken = carat_sign;             break;          case '&':             addchar();             nexttoken = ampersand;             break;          case '<':             addchar();             nexttoken = lessthan_sign;             break;          case '>':             addchar();             nexttoken = greaterthan_sign;             break;          case '?':             addchar();             nexttoken = question_mark;             break;          case '[':             addchar();             nexttoken = left_squarebracket;             break;          case ']':             addchar();             nexttoken = right_squarebracket;             break;          case '{':             addchar();             nexttoken = left_curlybracket;             break;          case '}':             addchar();             nexttoken = right_curlybracket;             break;          case '\'':             addchar();             nexttoken = single_quote;             break;*          case '|':             addchar();             nexttoken = verticalbar;             break;          case '_':             addchar();             nexttoken = underscore;             break;          case '~':             addchar();             nexttoken = tilde;             break;          case '`':             addchar();             nexttoken = grave_accent;             break;          case '\\':             addchar();             nexttoken = backslash;             break;          default:             addchar();             nexttoken = eof;             break;     }     return nexttoken; }  /*****************************/ /* addchar = function add nextchar lexeme */ void addchar() {     if (lexlen <= 98)     {         lexeme[lexlen++] = nextchar;         lexeme[lexlen] = 0;     }     else         printf("error - lexeme long \n"); }  /**********************************/ /* getchar- function next character of             input , determine character class */ void getchar() {     if ((nextchar = getc(in_fp)) != eof)     {         if (isalpha(nextchar))             charclass = letter;         else if (isdigit(nextchar))                 charclass = digit;             else charclass = unknown;     }     else         charclass = eof; }  /********************************************/ /* getnonblank - function call getchar until                     returns non-whitespace character */ void getnonblank() {     while (isspace(nextchar))         getchar(); }  /*******************************/ /* lex - simple lexical analyzer arithmetic         expressions */ int lex() {     lexlen = 0;     getnonblank();     switch (charclass)     {     /*parse identifiers */         case letter:             addchar();             getchar();             while (charclass == letter || charclass == digit)             {                 addchar();                 getchar();             }         nexttoken = ident;         break;   /*parse integer literals , ?floats?*/         case digit:             addchar();             getchar();             while (charclass == digit)             {                 addchar();                 getchar();             }             nexttoken = int_lit;             break;  /*parentheses , operators*/         case unknown:             lookup(nextchar);             getchar();             break;  /*eof*/         case eof:             nexttoken = eof;             lexeme[0] = 'e';             lexeme[1] = 'o';             lexeme[2] = 'f';             lexeme[3] = 0;             break;     }/*end of switch*/     printf("next token is:  %d, next lexeme %s\n",         nexttoken, lexeme);     return nexttoken; } /*end of function lex*/ 

i thinking maybe if used " == '.'" in while statement extension of "charclass == digit" via || (or), think might getting mixed language or doing wrong. might not be, kind of hard test program @ moment.

here specific part think need change float:

    /*parse integer literals , ?floats?*/     case digit:         addchar();         getchar();         while (charclass == digit)         {             addchar();             getchar();         }         nexttoken = int_lit;         break; 

/*parse integer literals , ?floats?*/     case digit:         addchar();         getchar();         while (charclass == digit)         {             addchar();             getchar();         } 

at point know nextchar is. if it's dot, write more code consume , following digits , set nexttoken float_lit. otherwise fall through this:

        nexttoken = int_lit;         break; 


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