wordpress - Overwrite plugin files? -

i want overwrite file plugins/the-events-calendar/tickets/meta-box.php of plugin the events calendar.

i followed tutorial overwrite plugin files not working me.

how can overwrite file?

i want add new metabox in evetns ticket section how can without edit plugin file other wise overwrite plugin files.

i don't have paid ticket plugin refer to, took bit of time skim through available github code:


it looks overwrite option (i.e. moving file plugin folder tribe-events/ folder within current theme directory) applies views templates in:


you can see example definition of gettemplatehierarchy() function here.

but overwrite option doesn't apply /admin-views/tickets/meta-box.php file, since it's included here default php include():

 include $this->path . 'admin-views/tickets/meta-box.php'; 

through method call here:

tribeeventsticketspro::instance()->do_meta_box( $post_id ); 

where metabox comes from:

add_action( 'add_meta_boxes',              array( 'tribeeventsticketsmetabox', 'maybe_add_meta_box' ) ); 

looking @ source of file, found part:

<?php do_action( 'tribe_events_tickets_metabox_advanced',                   get_the_id(), null ); ?> 

this might looking for, if want add tickets ui event editor. try hook tribe_events_tickets_metabox_advanced action add ui.

hope help.


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