sql - Cannot create a table in mysql error(150) -

i want create 3 tables called curenttasks, originaltasks , previoustasks. make 1 table , copied other two. 1 table cannot create while other 2 created successfully.

the 3 table are:

drop table if exists `currenttasks`; /*!40101 set @saved_cs_client     = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 set character_set_client = utf8 */; create table `currenttasks` (   `taskid` mediumint(9) not null auto_increment,   `taskname` varchar(255) not null,   `isactive` boolean default true,      `startdate` datetime not null,   `enddate` datetime not null,   `completedate` datetime default null,   `complexityid` smallint(6) not null,   `managerid` mediumint(9) not null,   `projectid` mediumint(9) not null,   `requirementname` varchar(255) not null,   `xpos` smallint(6) default null,   `ypos` smallint(6) default null,   `description` text not null,   `stagename` enum('definition','design','development','testing','evaluation') not null default 'definition',   primary key (`taskid`)  ) engine=innodb default charset=latin1; /*!40101 set character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;  -- -- dumping data table `currenttasks` --  lock tables `previoustasks` write; /*!40000 alter table `previoustasks` disable keys */; /*!40000 alter table `previoustasks` enable keys */; unlock tables;  -- -- table structure table `previoustasks` --  drop table if exists `previoustasks`; /*!40101 set @saved_cs_client     = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 set character_set_client = utf8 */; create table `previoustasks` (   `taskid` mediumint(9) not null auto_increment,   `taskname` varchar(255) not null,   `isactive` boolean default true,      `startdate` datetime not null,   `enddate` datetime not null,   `completedate` datetime default null,   `complexityid` smallint(6) not null,   `managerid` mediumint(9) not null,   `projectid` mediumint(9) not null,   `requirementname` varchar(255) not null,   `xpos` smallint(6) default null,   `ypos` smallint(6) default null,   `description` text not null,   `stagename` enum('definition','design','development','testing','evaluation') not null default 'definition',   primary key (`taskid`),   unique key `uniqueprevioustasks` (`requirementname`,`projectid`,`taskname`) ) engine=innodb default charset=latin1; /*!40101 set character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;  -- -- dumping data table `previoustasks` --  lock tables `previoustasks` write; /*!40000 alter table `previoustasks` disable keys */; /*!40000 alter table `previoustasks` enable keys */; unlock tables;  -- -- table structure table `originaltasks` --  drop table if exists `originaltasks`; /*!40101 set @saved_cs_client     = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 set character_set_client = utf8 */; create table `originaltasks` (   `taskid` mediumint(9) not null auto_increment,   `taskname` varchar(255) not null,   `isactive` boolean default true,   `startdate` datetime not null,   `enddate` datetime not null,   `completedate` datetime default null,   `complexityid` smallint(6) not null,   `managerid` mediumint(9) not null,   `projectid` mediumint(9) not null,   `requirementname` varchar(255) not null,   `xpos` smallint(6) default null,   `ypos` smallint(6) default null,   `description` text not null,   `stagename` enum('definition','design','development','testing','evaluation') not null default 'definition',   primary key (`taskid`),   unique key `uniqueoriginaltasks` (`requirementname`,`projectid`,`taskname`) ) engine=innodb default charset=latin1; /*!40101 set character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;  -- -- dumping data table `originaltasks` --  lock tables `originaltasks` write; /*!40000 alter table `originaltasks` disable keys */; /*!40000 alter table `originaltasks` enable keys */; unlock tables; 

the currenttasks cannot cteate, error is:

error 1005 (hy000): can't create table 'rem.currenttasks' (errno: 150)

i confused because delete currenttasks , copied previoustasks it, replace every previous current, still cannot work.

you forgot delete lines between 28-31. previoustasks table not created yet, lines tries alter table. same thing exist @ lines 64-67.


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