javascript - Jquery UI slider attach label -

i have modal, shows @ times , have 2 sliders on it, should show values. here's code:

div#averageanswermodal.modal.fade.custom-modal(tabindex="-1", role="dialog", aria-labelledby="mymodallabel" aria-hidden="true") div.modal-content     div.modal-body(style='text-align: center;')         h2 neighbor's answers average was:         div             div#noavg neighbors didn't give anwer             div#avgslider             span#avglabel         h2 answer was:         div             dvi#notanswered didn't give anwer             div#yourslider             span#yourlabel 

i have code set sldiers

initializemodal = function() {         var positionlabel = function(label, slider, val) {             $(label).html(val).position({                 my: 'center top',                 at: 'center bottom',                 of: $(slider + ' > .ui-slider-handle')             })         }          mymodal = $('#averageanswermodal').modal({             show: false,             keybord: false         })          $("#avgslider").slider({             max: 100,             disabled: true,             change: function(event, ui) {                 positionlabel('#avglabel', "#avgslider", ui.value)             }         })          $("#yourslider").slider({             max: 100,             disabled: true,             change: function(event, ui) {                 positionlabel('#yourlabel', "#yourslider", ui.value)             }         })     } 

and code fires them up:

createsplashsliders = function(avg, your) {     mymodal.modal('show')     if (avg === -1) {         $("#noavg").show()         $("#avgslider").hide()         $('#avglabel').hide()     } else {         $("#noavg").hide()         $("#avgslider").show()         $('#avglabel').show()         $("#avgslider").slider('value', avg)     }      if (your === -1) {         $("#notanswered").show()         $("#yourslider").hide()         $('#yourlabel').hide()     } else {         $("#notanswered").hide()         $("#yourslider").show()         $('#yourlabel').show()         $("#yourslider").slider('value', your)     } } 

the sliders show correctly , wanted attach selected value below handle. attaches values 2 lines below , if use page repeatedly span moves down line every time modal shows up. when stop code debugger in positionlabel , copy+paste same code label gets attached right place.

i've been stuck problem half day , still cannot figure out what's wrong.


fiddle. if put debugger in positionlabel , step through position labels correctly. somewhere have timing issue, don't know or why.

if add timeout

        var positionlabel = function(label, slider, val) {             settimeout(function() {                 $(label).html(val).position({                     my: 'center top',                     at: 'center bottom',                     of: $(slider + ' > .ui-slider-handle')                 })             }, 200);         } 

this works... not timeout of 5. why need timeout?


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