Unity Facebook SDK for Android. App keeps asking permissions -

the problem when app requesting permissions popup if click ok nothing happens , popup keeps coming if not user permission.

if sign app debug user through these settings work

enter image description here

but final build have sign app normal alias. problem be?

i found out debug hashkey keeps changing when change between keystores , openssl problem. different key mac win , different key if facebook settings or -keytool command. there way know actual hashkey?

you need add hashkeys you're gonna use when signing app facebookapp settings page. can set more 1 , you'll need if you're gonna sign app debug keys , release keys.

debug keys may differ machine machine it's better distribute keystore unity3d project , use same 1 everywhere build project.

if don't want distribute release keys may want consider setting build machine.

to hashes keystore need run:

keytool -exportcert -alias keyalias -keystore path_to_keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64 


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