Django Error: __init__() got multiple values for keyword argument 'max_length' -
i getting error. not understand head , tail of it.
__init__() got multiple values keyword argument 'max_length'
i adding 3 fields usercreationform
, email
, first name
, last name
, want save them user object. (does first name , last name gets saved automatically).
here form
trying load.
class myregistrationform(usercreationform): #define fields email=forms.emailfield(required=true) first_name = forms.charfield(_('first name'), max_length=30, required=true) last_name = forms.charfield(_('last name'), max_length=30, required=true) helptext={'username':"* must contain alphabets , numbers", 'email':"*", 'password1':"*must contain alphabets in upper , lower case, numbers special char", 'password2': "*enter same password above, verification"} err_messages={'invalid_username': _("username must include letters , numbers"), 'password_length': _("minimum length must 8 characters"), 'password_invalid':_("must include special character")} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(myregistrationform, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) fieldname in ['username', 'password1', 'password2','email']: self.fields[fieldname].help_text = self.helptext[fieldname] self.error_messages.update(self.err_messages) class meta: model=user fields=('first_name','last_name','username','email','password1','password2') #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() def clean_username(self): # since user.username unique, check redundant, # sets nicer error message orm. see #13147. username = self.cleaned_data["username"] if not re.match(r'^\w+$',username): raise forms.validationerror( self.error_messages['invalid_username'], code='invalid_username', ) return super(myregistrationform, self).clean_username() def clean_password2(self): password1 = self.cleaned_data.get("password1") if len(password1)<8: raise forms.validationerror( self.error_messages['password_length'], code='password_length', ) if not ('[a-z]', password1) ,'[a-z]', password1) ,'[^a-za-z\d\s:;]',password1)): raise forms.validationerror( self.error_messages['password_invalid'], code='password_invalid', ) return super(myregistrationform, self).clean_password2() def clean_email(self): email = self.cleaned_data["email"] try: user = user.objects.get(email=email) print print user.username raise forms.validationerror("this email address exists. did forget password?") except user.doesnotexist: return email def save(self, commit=true): user = super(myregistrationform, self).save(commit=false)["email"] if commit: return user
i have read article did not in situation.
what daniel suggested above should work.
first_name = forms.charfield(label=_('first name'), max_length=30, required=true)
you dont need save first name
, last_name
explicitly. taken care save function
have above. unless want cleaning
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