linux - this program is incomplete but I'm supposed to ask the user for 10 2-digit numbers and then give the average -

however segmentation fault don't know means , how approach either can please explain?

   segment .data         ;welcome message         welcomemsg      db      "this nasm program calculates average of 10 2-digit  numbers", 0xa         msglength       equ     $-welcomemsg         endingmsg       db      "the average is: ", 0xa         endinglength    equ     $-endingmsg         numbers         db      "enter 10 2-digit numbers",0xa         numberslength   equ     $-numbers  segment .bss arrayofnumber: resb 30 ;store number entered user in arrayofnumber    arrayofnumberlength equ $-arrayofnumber total :         resw 1 ; store sum value of 10 numbers segment .text          global _start _start:         mov eax, 4      ;write()         mov ebx, 1      ;where? output         mov ecx, welcomemsg ; want output         mov edx, msglength  ; length of welcomemsg         int 0x80         mov eax, 4         mov ebx, 1         mov ecx, numbers         mov edx, numberslength         int 0x80         ;accept input , store arrayofnumber         sub esi, esi         mov esi, 10 loop1:         mov eax, 3      ;read          mov ebx, 0      ; standard input(keyboard/console)         mov ecx, arrayofnumber ; storing @ memory location arrayofnumber         mov edx, 3      ;3 bytes         int 0x80         dec esi         jnz loop1       ;if esi not equal 0 goto loop1         sub esi, esi         sub edi,edi         sub ecx, ecx         sub ebx, ebx loop2:         sub eax, eax         mov eax, [arrayofnumber+edi]         sub eax, 30         add edi, 1         imul eax, 10         mov ebx, [arrayofnumber+edi]         sub ebx, 30         add edi, 2         add ebx, eax         add ecx, ebx         cmp edi, 30   jne loop2          sub edi, edi         mov [total], ecx         mov edi, 2         mov ax, [total] convert:         mov bx, 10         sub dx, dx         div bx         add dl, '0'         mov [total + edi], dl         dec edi         cmp ax, 0         jne convert print:         mov eax, 4         mov ebx, 1         mov ecx, total         mov edx, 3         int 0x80         mov eax, 1         mov ebx, 0          int 0x80 

this whole program , output of no longer have segmentation fault not right sum of these following numbers.

this nasm program calculates average of 10 2-digit numbers enter 10 2-digit numbers 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 264 should have 120 sum of of these integers not 264. if hep me please.


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