java - YouTube API upload stuck on processing -

i'm trying upload video own youtube account using v3 api , java library. if call method, see video permanently stuck @ "processing..." stage in youtube account. exception never reaches catch blocks, , i've managed upload same videos logging youtube directly , using drive api (with similar code what's listed below). missing?

    public boolean savetoyoutube(file fileorig) {          youtube service = new youtube.builder(httptransport, jsonfactory, getcredential()).build();          // add information video before uploading.         video video = new video();          videostatus status = new videostatus();         status.setprivacystatus("private"); //public, private         video.setstatus(status);          videosnippet snippet = new videosnippet();         snippet.settitle("test");         snippet.setdescription("this test video");             list<string> tags = new arraylist<string>();             tags.add("test");             tags.add("example");             tags.add("java");             tags.add("youtube data api v3");             tags.add("erase me");             snippet.settags(tags);         video.setsnippet(snippet);          try {             inputstreamcontent content = new inputstreamcontent("video/avi", new fileinputstream(fileorig));             youtube.videos.insert videoinsert = service.videos().insert("snippet,status", video, content);              video returnedvideo = videoinsert.execute();             system.out.println("\n================== returned video ==================\n");             system.out.println("  - id: " + returnedvideo.getid());             system.out.println("  - title: " + returnedvideo.getsnippet().gettitle());             system.out.println("  - tags: " + returnedvideo.getsnippet().gettags());             system.out.println("  - privacy status: " + returnedvideo.getstatus().getprivacystatus());             system.out.println("  - video count: " + returnedvideo.getstatistics().getviewcount());         } catch (googlejsonresponseexception e) {             system.err.println("googlejsonresponseexception code: " + e.getdetails().getcode() + " : "                     + e.getdetails().getmessage());             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (filenotfoundexception ex) {             ex.printstacktrace();         } catch (ioexception ex) {             ex.printstacktrace();         }          return true;     } 

note: can see correct title, tags, , privacy level of video in account.


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