c# - Moved old Dot Net Nuke site to new server now get linkclick.aspx not found -

i have moved dnn site new hosting service. site comes fine when try click on link /linkclick.aspx not found (404) error.

i assume has handler linkclick.aspx , fact running under .net 4 rather .net 2 old site running under.

what correct way resolve this?

i got work removing runtimeversion2.0 specification in add handler line of web.config.

<add name="linkclickhandler"  path="linkclick.aspx"  verb="*"  type="dotnetnuke.services.filesystem.fileserverhandler, dotnetnuke" precondition="integratedmode" />  <add name="captchahandler"  path="*.captcha.aspx"  verb="*"  type="dotnetnuke.ui.webcontrols.captchahandler, dotnetnuke" precondition="integratedmode,runtimeversionv2.0" /> 


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