How to pass list to other activity in Android? -

how pass list list <question> queslist other activity in android.

question class like

public class question  {         private int question_id;         private string question;                 private string opta;         private string optb;         private string optc;         private string optd;         private string answer;         private int category_id;         private string youranswer;     //getter , setter methods } 

you can achieve parcelable , serializable

there few steps achieve using serializable .

step1: create class , implement serializable interface. without implement serializable interface not possible these steps.

@suppresswarnings("serial") public class myclass implements serializable {  } 

step2: apply code in first activity when going startactivity(intent);

arraylist<myclass> list = new arraylist<mainactivity.myclass>(); list.add(new myclass()); intent intent = new intent(); intent.putextra("myclasslist", list); 

step3: apply code in second activity, arraylist.

arraylist<myclass> list1 = (arraylist<myclass>)getintent().getserializableextra("myclasslist"); system.out.println(list1); 

hope you..:)


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