segmentation fault while loading data from a file in C++ -

the title of question might have been title many other questions on site, however, experiencing strangest thing i've ever had deal in whole academic life.

i assigned design binary search tree database contains long list of company's employee records. have implemented project , worked fine, until received email professor asking in class log linux-powered server via ssh , verify project compiles , behaves expected on there.

the source code compiled fine, however, when run application , tell load list of 3000 records of file, run segmentation fault @ 543th record (line in file).

my question is: causing problem, considering code worked fine on own machine?

does matter, size of project, how memory assigned me? possible running out of memory while loading data?

even though 100% sure problem not in code, still think convenient @ piece of code , try spot problem.

here's employee class:

class employee { public:      employee(){}      employee(std::string first_name, std::string last_name, unsigned int id)     {         this->first_name = first_name;         this->last_name = last_name;         this->id = id;     }      std::string first_name;     std::string last_name;     unsigned int id;     employee * left, * right; };//*root; 

this function using load file database:

void createbst(bstree & tree) {     string file_name;      cout << "enter database file path: ";     cin >> file_name;      ifstream file_reader (file_name.c_str());    //  if (file_reader == null)   //  {    //     error("\nerror: invalid file path provided!\n\n");    ///     return;    // }      string line;     (;;)     {         if (!getline(file_reader, line))             break;          string tokens[3];         split(line, tokens);          string first_name, last_name;         unsigned int id;          last_name = tokens[0];         first_name = tokens[1];         id = std::atoi(tokens[2].c_str());      //    cout << "inserting: " << tokens[2] << "\t" << tokens[0] << "\t" << tokens[1] << endl;          // insert new employee object bstree         tree.insert(new employee(first_name, last_name, id));     }      cout << endl << endl << "all employee records have been inserted database successfully." << endl << endl;      // close file     file_reader.close(); } 

and here binary search tree (bstree):

#include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include "bstree.h"  //-------------------------------------------- // function: bstree() // purpose: class constructor. //-------------------------------------------- bstree::bstree() {     count = 0;     root = null; }  //-------------------------------------------- // function: ~bstree() // purpose: class destructor. //-------------------------------------------- bstree::~bstree() {     cleartree(root);     return; }  //-------------------------------------------- // function: cleartree() // purpose: perform recursive traversal of //        tree destroying nodes. //-------------------------------------------- void bstree::cleartree(employee *t) {     if(t==null) return;  // nothing clear     if(t->left != null) cleartree(t->left); // clear left sub-tree     if(t->right != null) cleartree(t->right); // clear right sub-tree     delete t;    // destroy node     return; }  //-------------------------------------------- // function: isempty() // purpose: return true if tree empty. //-------------------------------------------- bool bstree::isempty() {     return(root == null); }   //-------------------------------------------- // function: dupnode() // purpose: duplicate node in tree.  //        used allow returning complete //        structure tree without giving //        access tree through pointers. // preconditions: none // returns: pointer duplicate of node arg //-------------------------------------------- employee *bstree::dupnode(employee * t) {     employee *dupnode;      dupnode = new employee();     *dupnode = *t;    // copy data structure     dupnode->left = null;    // set pointers null     dupnode->right = null;     return dupnode; }   //-------------------------------------------- // function: searchtree() // purpose: perform iterative search of tree , //        return pointer treenode containing //        search key or null if not found. // preconditions: none // returns: pointer duplicate of node found //-------------------------------------------- employee *bstree::searchtree(unsigned int key) {     employee *temp;      temp = root;     while((temp != null) && (temp->id != key))     {         if(key < temp->id)             temp = temp->left;  // search key comes before node.         else             temp = temp->right; // search key comes after node     }      if(temp == null)         return temp;    // search key not found     else         return(dupnode(temp));    // found return duplicate }    //-------------------------------------------- // function: insert() // insert new node tree. // preconditions: none // returns: int (true if successful, false otherwise) //-------------------------------------------- bool bstree::insert(employee *newnode) {     employee *temp;     employee *back;      temp = root;     = null;      while(temp != null) // loop till temp falls out of tree     {         = temp;         if(newnode->id < temp->id)             temp = temp->left;         else if (newnode->id > temp->id)             temp = temp->right;         else             return false;     }      // attach new node node points     if(back == null) // attach root node in new tree         root = newnode;      else     {         if(newnode->id < back->id)             back->left = newnode;         else if (newnode->id > back->id)             back->right = newnode;         else             return false;     }     return true; }   //-------------------------------------------- // function: insert() // insert new node tree. // preconditions: none // returns: int (true if successful, false otherwise) //-------------------------------------------- bool bstree::insert(unsigned int key, string first_name, string last_name) {      employee *newnode;      // create new node , copy data     newnode = new employee();     newnode->id = key;     newnode->first_name = first_name;     newnode->last_name = last_name;     newnode->left = newnode->right = null;      // call other insert() actual insertion     return(insert(newnode)); }  //-------------------------------------------- // function: delete() // purpose: delete node tree. // preconditions: tree contains node delete // returns: int (true if successful, false otherwise) //-------------------------------------------- bool bstree::delete(unsigned int key) {     employee *back;     employee *temp;     employee *delparent;    // parent of node delete     employee *delnode;      // node delete      temp = root;     = null;      // find node delete     while((temp != null) && (key != temp->id))     {         = temp;         if(key < temp->id)             temp = temp->left;         else             temp = temp->right;     }      if(temp == null) // didn't find 1 delete         return false;      else     {         if(temp == root) // deleting root         {             delnode = root;             delparent = null;         }         else         {             delnode = temp;             delparent = back;         }     }      // case 1: deleting node no children or 1 child     if(delnode->right == null)     {         if(delparent == null)    // if deleting root         {             root = delnode->left;             delete delnode;             return true;         }         else         {             if(delparent->left == delnode)                 delparent->left = delnode->left;             else                 delparent->right = delnode->left;                 delete delnode;             return true;         }     }     else // there @ least 1 child     {         if(delnode->left == null)    // 1 child , on right         {             if(delparent == null)    // if deleting root             {                 root = delnode->right;                 delete delnode;                 return true;             }             else             {                 if(delparent->left == delnode)                     delparent->left = delnode->right;                 else                     delparent->right = delnode->right;                 delete delnode;                 return true;             }         }         else // case 2: deleting node 2 children         {             // find replacement value.  locate node             // containing largest value smaller             // key of node being deleted.             temp = delnode->left;             = delnode;             while(temp->right != null)             {                 = temp;                 temp = temp->right;             }             // copy replacement values node deleted             delnode->id = temp->id;             delnode->first_name = temp->first_name;             delnode->last_name = temp->last_name;              // remove replacement node tree             if(back == delnode)                 back->left = temp->left;             else                 back->right = temp->left;             delete temp;             return true;         }     } }   //-------------------------------------------- // function: printone() // purpose: print data in 1 node of tree. // preconditions: none // returns: void //-------------------------------------------- void bstree::printone(employee *t) {     cout << t->id << "\t\t" << t->first_name << "\t\t" << t->last_name << endl; }    //-------------------------------------------- // function: printall() // purpose: print tree using recursive //        traversal // preconditions: none // returns: void //-------------------------------------------- void bstree::printall(employee *t) {     if(t != null)     {         printall(t->left);         printone(t);         printall(t->right);     } }   //-------------------------------------------- // function: printtree() // purpose: print tree using recursive //        traversal.  gives user access //        printall() without giving access //        root of tree. // preconditions: none // returns: void //-------------------------------------------- void bstree::printtree() {     printall(root); }   void bstree::savetofile(const char * filename) {     ofstream file_writer;;     savetofile(file_writer, root);     file_writer.close(); }  void bstree::savetofile(ofstream & file_writer, employee * t) {     if (t != null)     {         savetofile(file_writer, t->left);         file_writer << t->last_name;         file_writer << "\t";         file_writer << t->first_name;         file_writer << "\t";         file_writer << t->id;         file_writer << "\n";         savetofile(file_writer, t->right);     }  } 

neither of employee constructors initialize either left or right pointers null. particularly worrisome copy-constructor, parameterized constructor pain show through:

when loading file this:

tree.insert(new employee(first_name, last_name, id)); 

which fires constructor:

employee(std::string first_name, std::string last_name, unsigned int id) {     this->first_name = first_name;     this->last_name = last_name;     this->id = id; } 

nowhere in above left , right member pointers assigned anything. indeterminate , therefore garbage. when this:

bool bstree::insert(employee *newnode) {     employee *temp;     employee *back;      temp = root;     = null;      while(temp != null) // loop till temp falls out of tree     {         = temp;         if(newnode->id < temp->id)             temp = temp->left;         else if (newnode->id > temp->id)             temp = temp->right;         else             return false;     }      // attach new node node points     if(back == null) // attach root node in new tree         root = newnode;      else     {         if(newnode->id < back->id)             back->left = newnode;         else if (newnode->id > back->id)             back->right = newnode;         else             return false;     }     return true; } 

you're chasing pointers not valid, , indeed cannot evaluated less dereferenced without invoking undefined behavior.

this not going turn online debugging session. need initialize all members of object class, ideally in initializer list:

class employee { public:      // note: shouldn't *needed*     employee() : id(), left(), right() {}      // parameterized constructor     employee(const std::string& first, const std::string& last, unsigned int id)         : first_name(first)         , last_name(last)         , id(id)         , left(), right()     {     }       // copy-ctor. retains values; child pointers set null     employee(const employee& obj)         : first_name(obj.first_name)         , last_name(obj.last_name)         , id(         , left(), right()     {     }      // assignment operator. not copy child pointers     employee& operator =(const employee& obj)     {         first_name = obj.first_name;         last_name = obj.last_name;         id =;     }      std::string first_name;     std::string last_name;     unsigned int id;     employee * left, * right; }; 

normally code assignment operator use copy-constructor implementing copy/swap idiom. in case overkill, since object has no actual dynamic-managed members ( i.e. members object responsible creating/destroying).

anyway, above big issue, , did not take time dissect actual tree management code beyond insertion logic. wouldn't surprised if there defect lurking in delete operation, tedious binary trees. should enough further down road.


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