c++ - How to react to LVN_ITEMCHANGED notification only when user finishes selecting action on multipe selection CListCtrl? -

i have dialog 2 list controls , 1 custom control graphic preview.

the first has list of 1 kind of entities (1a, 1b, 1c,...) , second has list of kind of entites (2a, 2b, 2c,...), both of them multi-select.

i want allow user select set of entities highlighted on preview, list last selection has been made.

for example:

  1. select 1a,1b,1c -> highlight them on preview
  2. select 2a,2b,2c -> unhighlight 1a,1b,1c , highlight 2a,2b,2c

if process each lvn_itemchanged notification, preview flickering, want paint preview when user finishes selection function this:

void cpreviewpage::paintselection(hwnd hwnd) {   m_preview.deselectall();   selectarray select;   if(hwnd == m_lstfirst.getsafehwnd())   {     for(int = 0; < m_lstfirst.getitemcount(); i++)     {       if( m_lstfirst.getitemstate(i, lvni_selected) & lvni_selected)       {         entity *pent = (entity *) m_lstfirst.getitemdata(i);         select.append(pent);       }     }   }   else   if(hwnd == m_lstsecond.getsafehwnd())   {     for( int = 0; < m_lstsecond.getitemcount(); i++ )     {       if( m_lstsecond.getitemstate(i, lvni_selected) & lvni_selected)       {         entity *pent = (entity *) m_lstsecond.getitemdata(i);         select.append(pent);       }     }   }   m_preview.paintselect(&select); } 

the problem is; when have 2a selected, hold shift , click 2c (to select 2a-2c), multiple lvn_itemchanged , can't detect of them last. if could, possible repaint preview @ right moment, when user finishes his/her selecting action.

i tried call repaint function when lvni_focused:

void cpreviewpage::onlstsecondselchanged(nmhdr *pnmhdr, lresult *presult) {   nm_listview* pnmlistview = (nm_listview*) pnmhdr;    if((pnmlistview->uchanged & lvif_state) && (pnmlistview->unewstate & lvni_focused) )     paintselection(pnmhdr->hwndfrom); } 

however, lvni_focused isn't guaranteed last, , don't want add button call paintselection function.

so question is: when right moment when have state of items set, according user selection can call paintselection?


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