c++ - Filling structure from a file -

hey guys doing project @ school , need fill array of pointers info text doc:

4101 braeburn_reg 1 0.99 101.5 4021 delicious_gdn_reg 1 0.89 94.2 4020 delicious_gldn_lg 1 1.09 84.2 4015 delicious_red_reg 1 1.19 75.3 4016 delicious_red_lg 1 1.29 45.6 4167 delicious_red_sm 1 0.89 35.4 4124 empire 1 1.14 145.2 4129 fuji_reg 1 1.05 154.5 4131 fuji_x-lge 1 1.25 164.1 4135 gala_lge 1 1.35 187.7 4133 gala_reg 1 1.45 145.2 4139 granny_smith_reg 1 1.39 198.2 4017 granny_smith_lge 1 1.49 176.5 3115 peaches 1 2.09 145.5 4011 bananas 1 0.49 123.2 4383 minneolas 1 0.79 187.3 3144 tangerines 1 1.19 135.5 4028 strawberries_pint 0 0.99 104 4252 strawberries_half_case 0 3.99 53 4249 strawberries_full_case 0 7.49 67 94011 organic_bananas 1 0.99 56.3 

so have take put in struct. here function doing so:

bool readinventory(string filename) {    inputfile.open(filename);   //opening products file    bool errors = true;     if(!inputfile.fail()) // validate file did open    {     while (!filename)      // dynamically creates array , fills info        {            product *inventory = new product();           inputfile >> inventory->plu;           inputfile >> inventory->itemname;           inputfile >> inventory->saletype;           inputfile >> inventory->price;           inputfile >> inventory->currentinventory;           itemarray[counter] = inventory;           counter++;         cout << itemarray[14]<< endl;       }     }     else    {       cout << "\nerror, unable open products.txt.\n";       errors = false;       return errors;    }  }// ends readinventory 

it wont fill in array, if while (filename) // dynamically creates array , fills info record first item array only, leaving others blank. need validate input. (i.e plu code not integer, plu type string though) , skip product problems , change bool errors true false. here whole code:

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <cctype>  using namespace std;   bool readinventory(string filename); double checkout(); bool updateinventory(string filename); // prototypes  int counter = 0; //used fill array ifstream inputfile;            //file read const int sizes = 100; //constant int used tell sizes product *itemarray[sizes]; //array of pointers of size 100 struct product       {          string plu;             //price code each product          string itemname;        //name of item          int saletype;           //item per pound or per unit          int price;              //price of item           int currentinventory;   //amount in stock       };   int main () {         int choice;           // choice used find out choice want in menu.     bool menuon = true;   //menuon used turn on , off menu.     readinventory("products.txt");     while (menuon == true)    {       cout << "1 - check out.\n";       cout << "2 - close store , exit.\n";       cout << "enter choice , press return: ";       //displays choices menu        cin >> choice;  //chose menu option want        cout << endl;        switch (choice)       {           case 1:           checkout();           break;           case 2:           cout << "thank using item check out program.";          menuon = false;           break;           default:          cout << "not valid choice. \n";          cout << "choose again.\n\n";          break;          // safty net if user doent enter choice 1-2       }   }     inputfile.close();     cout << endl;     system("pause");     return 0;   } // end function main ()   bool readinventory(string filename) {    inputfile.open(filename);   //opening products file    bool errors = true;     if(!inputfile.fail()) // validate file did open    {     while (counter < 22)   // dynamically creates array , fills info        {            product *inventory = new product();           inputfile >> inventory->plu;           inputfile >> inventory->itemname;           inputfile >> inventory->saletype;           inputfile >> inventory->price;           inputfile >> inventory->currentinventory;           itemarray[counter] = inventory;           counter++;       }     }     else    {       cout << "\nerror, unable open products.txt.\n";       errors = false;       return errors;    }  }// ends readinventory  double checkout() {    double total = 0; //total cost    string plucode; // code    bool found = false; // notify if item found    double costs;    double quantity;    bool codevalid = true;        {             cout << "please enter plu code or 0 exit: ";        codevalid = true;        cin >> plucode;     /*   (int x = 0; x <= plucode.length(); x++)         {            if ((plucode[x] != '1') && (plucode[x] != '2') && (plucode[x] != '3') && (plucode[x] != '4') && (plucode[x] != '5') && (plucode[x] != '6') && (plucode[x] != '7') && (plucode[x] != '8') && (plucode[x] != '9') && (plucode[x] != '0'))            {                 codevalid = false;            }          }   */         (int itemfind = 0 ; itemfind < counter; itemfind++)       {           if (itemarray[itemfind]->plu == plucode)           {               found = true;               costs = itemarray[itemfind]->price;               cout << "please enter lbs or quantity: ";               cin >> quantity;               if (costs); // data validation               costs = quantity*costs;               total += costs;           };        };       if(!found)       {           cout << "please enter valid plu code.\n";       }     } while (plucode != "0");     if (total > 50.00)       total = (.95*total);     return total;    return 0.00; }//ends checkout  bool updateinventory(string filename) {    return true; }//ends updateinventory 

here link actual assignment if needs it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/howsf5af2gsa1i8/cs1asg4bstructures.docx

to read lines file use following code:

std::string line; while (std::getline(inputfile,line)) {        std::istringstream iss(line);     product *inventory = new product();     iss >> inventory->plu;     iss >> inventory->itemname;     iss >> inventory->saletype;     iss >> inventory->price;     iss >> inventory->currentinventory;      itemarray[counter] = inventory;     ++counter; } 

also try rid of global variable definitions (e.g. counter, inputfile) , provide them function local variables or parameters (or in case counter reasonable use return value: return 0 or -1 error cases, , number of records read otherwise). you'll need check counter less sizes before allocating new record , assign itemarray[counter].

i recommend @ least using std::vector manage records:

std::vector<product> itemarray;  // ...   std::string line; while (std::getline(inputfile,line)) {        std::istringstream iss(line);     product newprod;     iss >> newprod.plu;     iss >> newprod.itemname;     iss >> newprod.saletype;     iss >> newprod.price;     iss >> newprod.currentinventory;      itemarray.push_back(newprod); } 

no need counter code, itemarray.size() tell number of records read file.


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