Android custom map marker, canvas drawing and image sizing -
i'm trying create custom marker in image below, either outline or drop-shadow if possible. rectangle inside represents dynamic image.
anyway, got basics down, can't figure out how change image's size, because can define top left offset point , rest of canvas gets filled image down bottom right edge, covering background. have no idea how create triangle pointing down, tried rotating canvas, drawing rectangle , rotating (see second code snippet), doesn't work because doesn't rotate around center. ideas? doing "properly"? right way build custom markers or slow / not optimal?
//image marker - red background image on top latlng vogel3 = new latlng(mylat+0.0005,mylong+0.0005); bitmap.config conf = bitmap.config.argb_8888; bitmap bmp = bitmap.createbitmap(40, 40, conf); canvas canvas = new canvas(bmp); paint color = new paint(); color.setcolor(; canvas.drawrect(0, 0, 40, 40, color); canvas.drawbitmap(bitmapfactory.decoderesource(getresources(), r.drawable.spatz_adult), 3, 5, color); //canvas1.drawtext("bird", 30, 40, color); //add marker map map.addmarker(new markeroptions().position(vogel3) .icon(bitmapdescriptorfactory.frombitmap(bmp)) .title("custom marker") .snippet("eeeeeeeeeep") //.anchor(0.5f, 1) );
//trying draw triangle; canvas.rotate(45); canvas.drawrect(0, 0, 40, 40, color); canvas.restore();
try following sample code resize image , worked me.
// resize image public bitmap resizebitmap(string imagepath,int targetw, int targeth) { bitmapfactory.options bmoptions = new bitmapfactory.options(); bmoptions.injustdecodebounds = true; bitmapfactory.decodefile(imagepath, bmoptions); int photow = bmoptions.outwidth; int photoh = bmoptions.outheight; int scalefactor = 1; if ((targetw > 0) || (targeth > 0)) { scalefactor = math.min(photow/targetw, photoh/targeth); } bmoptions.injustdecodebounds = false; bmoptions.insamplesize = scalefactor; bmoptions.inpurgeable = true; return bitmapfactory.decodefile(imagepath, bmoptions); }
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