java - Light and textures in Java3D -

my problem difference between this:


and this:


i'm trying create nice looking solar system java3d when apply texture lighting effect disappears , 3d effect (when not looking @ planet top-down) goes it. how can have kind of shading on textured surfaces?

the code used earth example available below. texture downloadable here.

import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.primitive; import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.sphere; import com.sun.j3d.utils.image.textureloader; import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.simpleuniverse;  import javax.imageio.imageio; import*; import javax.vecmath.color3f; import javax.vecmath.point3d; import javax.vecmath.vector3d;  import java.awt.*;  import static java.lang.math.pi; import static java.lang.math.cos; import static java.lang.math.sin;  public class hello3d {      public hello3d()      {          simpleuniverse universe = new simpleuniverse();          branchgroup group = new branchgroup();          for(double i=0; i<2*pi; i+=pi/5) {             group.addchild(basicsphere(0.8*cos(i),0.8*sin(i),0));         }          universe.getviewingplatform().setnominalviewingtransform();          boundingsphere bounds = new boundingsphere(new point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0), 10000000.0);          pointlight light = new pointlight();         light.setcolor(new color3f(color.white));         light.setposition(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);         light.setinfluencingbounds(bounds);         group.addchild(light);           universe.addbranchgraph(group);      }      public static void main( string[] args ) {          new hello3d();      }      private transformgroup basicsphere(double x, double y, double z) {         try {         int primflags = primitive.generate_normals + primitive.generate_texture_coords;          texture tex = new textureloader(       "earthmap.jpg"))         ).gettexture();         tex.setboundarymodes(texture.wrap);         tex.setboundarymodet(texture.wrap);          textureattributes texattr = new textureattributes();         texattr.settexturemode(textureattributes.replace);          appearance ap = new appearance();         ap.settexture(tex);         ap.settextureattributes(texattr);          sphere sphere = new sphere(0.1f, primflags, 100, ap);          transform3d transform = new transform3d();         transform.settranslation(new vector3d(x, y, z));          transformgroup transformgroup = new transformgroup();         transformgroup.settransform(transform);          transformgroup.addchild(sphere);          return transformgroup;         } catch(exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }         return null;     }  } 

with this:


you saying replace computed lighting value value texture. want use modulate or blend, depending on how want look. check this see different methods do.


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