Gradle war ignores transitive dependencies when using 'configurations.runtime.asPath' in custom task -

i'm facing behavior can't explain, using gradle 1.10 have:


include('lib1', 'lib2', 'web') 


subprojects {   apply plugin: 'java' }  project(':web') {   apply plugin: 'war'   dependencies {     compile project(':lib1')   }    task mytask(type: javaexec, dependson: 'compilejava') {         main = "some.thirdparty.class"         args "--searchpath", configurations.runtime.aspath   }  }  project(':lib1') {   dependencies {     compile project(':lib2')   } }  project(':lib2') { } 

when run gradle clean war have lib1.jar in war/build/libs/web.war/web-inf/lib.

to make web-inf/lib contain both lib1.jar , lib2.jar have to:

  • move project('web') block end of file
  • update configurations.runtime.aspath configurations.runtime (but need provide class path path, not solution)

i read build lifecycle description, tried compare --debug outputs didn't help.

why happening? , solution provide module runtime class path path in javaexec task please?

aspath resolves configuration, resolution work correctly if happens @ execution time rather configuration time (in particular in presence of project dependencies). try wrap args line dofirst { ... }.


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