c# - Deleting Mail from gmail account -

i able send mails attachments multiple users using c# code. want delete sent mail have sent gmail account using c#. there way it.

my code sending mail attachment.

if (mailid1 != null)         {             system.net.mail.mailmessage mail = new system.net.mail.mailmessage();             try             {                 mailidcount = mailid1.split(',').count();                 mailids = new string[mailidcount];                 mailids = mailid1.split(',');                 var adminmail = "user@gmail.com";                 var adminpassword = "password123!";                 var adminsmtpclient = "smtp.gmail.com"                 string sub = formobj["subject_text"]+" " + convert.todatetime(datetime.now.touniversaltime()).tostring("dd/mm/yyyy");                 mail.subject = sub;                 mail.from = new system.net.mail.mailaddress(adminmail);                 mail.to.add(mailids[0]);                 if (mailidcount > 0)                 {                     (int = 1; < mailidcount; a++)                     {                         mail.cc.add(mailids[a]);                     }                 }                 mail.body = "<pre>" +formobj["message_text"] +"</pre>";                 mail.isbodyhtml = true;                 string filename;                 string filename = path.getfilename(infile.filename);                 filename = path.combine(appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory + "\\content\\trialfolder\\filefolder\\" + filename);                 if (infile.contentlength > 0)                 {                     infile.saveas(filename);                     system.net.mail.attachment attached;                     attached = new system.net.mail.attachment(filename);                     mail.attachments.add(attached);                 }                 if (sub != null)                 {                     mail.isbodyhtml = true;                     system.net.mail.smtpclient smtp = new system.net.mail.smtpclient(adminsmtpclient);                     smtp.host = adminsmtpclient;                     smtp.port = "587";                     smtp.usedefaultcredentials = true;                     smtp.enablessl = true;                     smtp.credentials = new system.net.networkcredential(adminmail, adminpassword);                     smtp.send(mail);                     if (system.io.file.exists(filename) == true)                     {                         try                         {                             mail.attachments.dispose();                             system.io.file.delete(filename);                             mail.dispose();                             smtp.dispose();                         }                         catch (exception ex)                         {                             viewbag.message = ex.message;                         }                     }                     tempdata["emailmessage"] = "your message has been sent successfully";                 }                 else                 {                     tempdata["emailmessage"] = "please check email settings";                 }             } 

there's entire api gmail => https://developers.google.com/gdata/client-cs


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