AngularJS : after isolating scope and binding to a parentFunction, how to pass parameters to this parentFunction? -

i'm trying hard understand scopes in angularjs , running problems. i've created simple "comments" application that

  1. has input box publishing comment (text + 'reply' button) [this working fine]
  2. clicking 'reply' button unhides input box publishing reply (with 'publishreply' button)
  3. clicking 'publishreply' button, publishes reply below original comment , indents it.

i generate comments within 'commentsdirective' using ng-repeat , embed 'replydirective' within each ng-repeat. i'm able bind parent scope's functions child directive's isolated scope, i'm not able pass arguments function.

again, think, scope related problem preventing me hide/unhide 'replydirective' on-click of 'reply' button.

grateful help.

here code in plunker:

<body ng-app="comments">     <div ng-controller="maincontroller">         <div class="publishcomment"><input type="text" ng-model="contentforpublishing"/><button ng-click="publishcomment(null, 0, contentforpublishing)">publish comment</button></div>         <comments-directive></comments-directive>     </div> </body>   <script>     angular.module('comments', [])             .controller('maincontroller', function($scope) {                 $scope.comments = [                     { id: 1, parentid: 0, content:'first comment'},                     { id: 2, parentid: 0, content:'second comment'}                 ];                 $scope.publishcomment = function (commentid, commentparentid, contentforpublishing){                     if (commentid === null) {commentid = $scope.comments.length + 1;} // (commentid === null) sent publishcomments , not publishreply                     $scope.comments.push( { id: commentid, parentid:commentparentid, content:contentforpublishing } );                     $scope.contentforpublishing = "";                 }                 $scope.replywidgetvisible = false;                 $scope.showreplywidget = function() {                     $scope.replywidgetvisible = true;                 }             })             .directive('commentsdirective', function() {                 return {                     restrict: 'e', //                    template:   '<div id="{{}}" class="commentwrapper" ng-class="{{ {true: '', false: 'indentleft'}[{{comment.parentid}} === 0] }}" ng-repeat="comment in comments">' +                     template:   '<div id="{{}}" class="commentwrapper" ng-repeat="comment in comments">' +                                     'id: {{}} parentid: {{comment.parentid}}<br>>> {{comment.content}}<br>' +                                     '<button class="reply" ng-click="showreplywidget()">reply</button>' + //                                    '<reply-directive publish-reply="publishcomment()" ng-show="{{replywidgetvisible}}" reply-widget-visible="replywidgetvisible"></reply-directive>' +                                     '<reply-directive publish-reply="publishcomment()" comments-array="comments"></reply-directive>' +                                 '</div>'                 };             })             .directive('replydirective', function() {                 return {                     restrict: 'e',                     scope: {                         publishreply: '&',                         commentsarray: '=',                         replywidgetvisible: '='                     },                     template: '<div class="publishcomment"><input type="text" ng-model="contentforpublishing"/><button ng-click="publishreply(5, 1, contentforpublishing)">publish reply</button></div>'                 };             }); </script> 

basically need "fetch" publishcomment function, since publish-reply="publishcomment()" telling angular call publishcomment without arguments, regardless of arguments passing on isolated scope. so, reach publishcomment function (and not predefined executing function), can pass in arguments, need to:

.directive('commentsdirective', function() {     return {        restrict: 'e',        template:   '<div id="{{}}" class="commentwrapper"     ng-repeat="comment in comments">' +          'id: {{}} parentid: {{comment.parentid}}<br>>> {{comment.content}}<br>' +          '<button class="reply" ng-click="showreplywidget()">reply</button>' +          '<reply-directive publish-reply="publishreply()" comments-array="comments"></reply-directive>' +        '</div>',        link: function(scope){          scope.publishreply = function(){            return scope.publishcomment;          }        }     }; }) 
.directive('replydirective', function() {     return {        restrict: 'e',        scope: {            publishreply: '&',            commentsarray: '=',            replywidgetvisible: '='        },        template: '<div class="publishcomment"><input type="text"      ng-model="contentforpublishing"/><button ng-click="publishreply(5, 1,     contentforpublishing)">publish reply</button></div>',        link: function(scope) {          scope.publishreply = scope.publishreply();        }     }; }); 

think if doing: (function(){ return scope.publishcomment(); })(5, 1, contentforpublishing);

doing "get reference function" parent scope binding useful when passed function mutable. example, my-cool-function="dothis()" , on part of app my-cool-function="dothat()". exist can reuse same directive in many situations, isn't case here.

a simpler way $emit publish event isolated scope , catch in comments directive. or create scope true can access, in newly created child scope, function directly parent.

see updated plnkr in here

here plnkr showing how keep 1 reply box opened (you can keep many open if wish) (see revision before widget state each comment)


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