android - RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application -

when run application, everytime getting below exception in logcat:

 04-14 09:29:53.965: w/dalvikvm(1020): threadid=1: thread exiting uncaught exception (group=0x409c01f8)     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020): fatal exception: main     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020): java.lang.runtimeexception: unable instantiate application java.lang.nullpointerexception     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @$1300(     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @$h.handlemessage(     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @ android.os.looper.loop(     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method)     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @$     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method)     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020): caused by: java.lang.nullpointerexception     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     @     04-14 09:29:53.985: e/androidruntime(1020):     ... 11 more 

note: when uninstall app emulator , run it, don't exception when re-run installed application in emulator, getting this. please help

this verbose error message raised underlying framework when dalvik re-install .apk file , trying reuse or recycle previous opened activity/view same package (if haven't closed previous installed app yet). has nothing app, moreover, unlikely app freezed or crashed cause verbose error message on end user's device.

it seems dalvik verbose error log happend on android 4.0 system, i've tested myself on android 3.2 , 2.3.3 running environment, cannot replicate message shown on neither of them. similar question has been discussed before @ here , has filled bug report in android issues tracker.

i don't think should concern verbose error log @ moment, if more logs before , after red error in logcat, can see full story , find previous opened activity/view (which marked died state) killed , newly re-installed 1 poped ultimately.


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