c# - Showing 0 as index for output -

in following, shows 0 index values.format of output must like:

2352:0.45678 9878:0.23423 .......... 

but after running, result like:

0:0.45678 0:0.23423 ......... 

after showing above result runs again , shows

 0:0  0:0 

var results = new list<float>(1143600);                     (int z = 0; z < 1143600; z++)                     {                         results.add(dotproduct(useridseq, z));//for multiply 2 vectors                     }                     var sb1 = new stringbuilder();                     foreach (var resultwithindex in results.select((r, index) => new { result = r, index = index }).orderbydescending(r => r.result).take(n))                     {                         int indexx = resultwithindex.index;                         (int yyyy = 0; yyyy <itemori.length; yyyy++)                         {                             lineitemori5 = fileitemori.readline();                             if (!string.isnullorempty(lineitemori5))                             {                                 string[] values5 = lineitemori5.split('\t');                                 int itemidori5;                                 foreach (string valuewoow in values5)                                 {                                     itemidori5 = convert.toint32(values5[0]);                                     if (indexx == itemidori5)                                     {                                         itemidseq5 = convert.toint32(values5[1]);                                     }                                 }                              }                         }                         sb1.appendformat("{0}: {1}", itemidseq5, resultwithindex.result);                         sb1.appendline();                     }                     messagebox.show(sb1.tostring());                 } 

ps: have 2 data sets worked 1 of them , calculate result each result has index not real,for getting real index, must use data set. idea?

thanks in advance


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