arrays - How to add set as wallpaper option in following code in Android -

i creating swipe action in android app. working perfectly. want create set wallpaper option user can set current image wallpaper. add code. not working. please me make current image wallpaper.


public class fullimageactivity extends activity {      int position;     linearlayout full;     button btn;      public integer[] mthumbid = {                 r.drawable.kri1, r.drawable.kri2,                 r.drawable.kri3, r.drawable.kri4,                 r.drawable.kri5, r.drawable.kri6,                 r.drawable.kri7, r.drawable.kri8,                 r.drawable.kri9     };      @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.full_image);          // intent data         intent = getintent();          // selected image id         position = i.getextras().getint("id");                 full = (linearlayout) findviewbyid(;         btn = (button)findviewbyid(;         changebackground();         btn.setonclicklistener(new button.onclicklistener(){             @override             public void onclick(view arg0) {             wallpapermanager mywallpapermanager = wallpapermanager.getinstance(getapplicationcontext());             try {                 mywallpapermanager.setresource(mthumbid[position]);             } catch (ioexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();            }         }});         activityswipedetector activityswipedetector = new activityswipedetector(this);         full.setontouchlistener(activityswipedetector);     }      private void changebackground(){         full.setbackgroundresource(mthumbid[position]);    }      public class activityswipedetector implements view.ontouchlistener {          static final string logtag = "activityswipedetector";         static final int min_distance = 100;         private float downx, upx;         activity activity;          public activityswipedetector(activity activity){             this.activity = activity;         }          public void onrighttoleftswipe(){             log.i(logtag, "righttoleftswipe!");             if(position < mthumbid.length - 1){                 position++;                  changebackground();             }     }          public void onlefttorightswipe(){             log.i(logtag, "lefttorightswipe!");             if(position > 0){                 position--;                 changebackground();            }         }          public boolean ontouch(view v, motionevent event) {             switch(event.getaction()){                 case motionevent.action_down: {                     downx = event.getx();                     return true;                 }                 case motionevent.action_up: {                     upx = event.getx();                      float deltax = downx - upx;                      // swipe horizontal?                     if(math.abs(deltax) > min_distance){                         // left or right                         if(deltax < 0) { this.onlefttorightswipe(); return true; }                         if(deltax > 0) { this.onrighttoleftswipe(); return true; }                     }                     else {                             log.i(logtag, "swipe " + math.abs(deltax) + " long, need @ least " + min_distance);                             return false; // don't consume event                     }                       return true;                 }             }             return false;         }     }  

did declare set wallpaper permission in androidmanifest?

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.set_wallpaper" /> 


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