android - Tab Disappear when start new activity -

i developing android application having multiple tabs.

now in launcher activity tabs display , can navigate through tabs. if call activity(which wanted show tab) on button clicked tabs seems disappear.

please refer given code , let me know if doing wrong.

this main tabactivity

public class mytabactivity extends tabactivity {      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_tab);          tabhost tabhost=gettabhost();          tabspec deshtab=tabhost.newtabspec("deshboard");          deshtab.setindicator("deshboard");         intent deshboardintent=new intent(this,deshboardactivity.class);         deshtab.setcontent(deshboardintent);          tabhost.addtab(deshtab);           tabspec clienttab=tabhost.newtabspec("client");         clienttab.setindicator("client");          intent intent=new intent(this,clientactivity.class);         clienttab.setcontent(intent);         tabhost.addtab(clienttab);      } } 

now wanted start client activity like

void onbuttonclick(view view)     {         int id = view.getid();         switch(id)         {         case              intent clientintent = new intent(deshboardactivity.this,clientactivity.class);             startactivity(clientintent);             break;         }        } 

but when click button starts new activity not in tab. should display activity in tab on button click also.?

below code clientactivity wanted display tab.

public class clientactivity extends activity      {         private databasehandler dbhandler;         private listview clientlistview ;         private baseadapter listadapter;         tabhost tabhost;          @override         protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate)          {             super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);             setcontentview(r.layout.clientactivity);               dbhandler = new databasehandler(this);             final list<client> clientlist = dbhandler.getallclient();              clientlistview = (listview)findviewbyid(;             listadapter = new clientlistadapter(this, clientlist);             clientlistview.setadapter(listadapter);             clientlistview.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener()              {                  @override                 public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view,int position, long id)                  {                     client client = clientlist.get(position);                     toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), client.getfirstname(), toast.length_long).show();                      intent clientinfointent = new intent(getapplicationcontext(), clientinfoactivity.class);                     clientinfointent.putextra("client",client);                     startactivity(clientinfointent);                     //finish();                  }              });         } } 

that's because clientactivity launched on top of tabactivity. way tabbar not shown anymore. suggest use fragments clientactivity.

a tutorial how use fragments:


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