c++ - Qt 5 dds support to save memory and improve rendering -

i load dds files qt 5.1 , have benefit of saving memory , improve rendering performance dds files in many cases less in size (due data destroying compression) png equivalent , stored in more cache friendly rendering structure "tiling" (i.e. http://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2011/01/17/texture-tiling-and-swizzling/) usual raw image data is.

but... can't find reference topic when googling find others read dds files , convert them qimage suspect unpacks dds raw rgba giving performance when reading disk keeping bad parts more memory, less efficient texel reading , compression artifacts nothing.

have missunderstood how qt handling textures or can dds formats dxt1-5 utilized corretly within qt 5.1?

does qimagereader "unpack" dds files raw or loads them directly graphics hardware is?

any other suggestions or pointers appreciated.

qimage pure software object, not store on graphics card , has no support exotic internal data ordering. internal formats qimage support listed here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qimage.html#format-enum

so have no other option of getting data qimage unpacking , flattening out.

qpixmap supports reading file directly, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qpixmap.html#load

unlike qimage, qpixmap object stores data on graphics card. theoretically possible envision given qt interface. educated guess qt still not support @ all.


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