c# - Default text of combobox -

i want default text on combobox have binded combo box list of items...here code of xaml file.

<combobox x:name="projectcombobox"            text="{binding projectnamebinding}"            itemssource="{binding projectlist, elementname=mainwin}"           selectedvaluepath="_id" displaymemberpath="_name"             selecteditem="{binding projectnamebindingclass, mode=onewaytosource}"            width="130" background="white" borderthickness="1"             fontfamily="/timesheet;component/resources/#open sans" fontsize="12"            canvas.right="159" canvas.top="8" height="47">     <combobox.itemtemplate>         <datatemplate>             <textblock text="{binding _name}" textwrapping="wrap"/>         </datatemplate>     </combobox.itemtemplate> </combobox> 

have tried text property

<combobox x:name="projectcombobox"   iseditable=true   text="{binding projectnamebinding}" ....../> 


you can use selectedindex property , set 0(selectedindex=0) displays first item in source given.


you can in link how display default text "--select team --" in combo box on pageload in wpf?


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